The 30-Day Writing Glow Up

Experiencing the fear, and doing it anyway

Valencia Stokes
2 min readAug 18, 2020
Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

There are so many things I want to write, but when I put pen to paper, it’s crickets. This is not a unique story by any means. I think the most important thing that I’ve learned since really studying writing and how others do it, is how much some of them hate the act of writing. Don’t get me wrong. Not hate hate, just hate.

There’s nothing worse than that fear that your work won’t be any good, or knowing that your 8th draft is far from the last, or concern that your inspiration faucet is firmly tapped out. A lot, if not most, writers have these fears and it took a considerable amount of pressure off of me when I found out that other people felt the way that I did.

Still, those fears have power. I know they do for me. I’m one of those top tier procrastinators who makes lists, crafts routines based off off Successful People™, and does research instead of actually doing the damn thing.

Well, I’m finally tired of doing that. So, I putting myself on blast in front of the good people of Medium. I’m writing every day for 30 Days. It doesn’t matter if it’s something that’ll never get published, it doesn’t matter if it kinda sucks. I’m still going to do it. Because I believe to embrace being a writer, you have to embrace it and not only base it off being published or not. (Of course, if you want to publish me, ignore what I just said. Let’s talk.)

Anyway, this is me, forcing my creative muse into a glass jar like a kid with a lightning bug, and watching as it slowly loses all hope of escaping and gives me the inspiration that I demand.

Wish me luck.



Valencia Stokes

Film graduate, on a quest to finish my novel while writing blogs to procrastinate completing said novel. 24.